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Nexus4 Build Process

Creating a website for a business you don't personally manage presents unique challenges, often leading to unsatisfactory outcomes from agencies that don't invest time in understanding the business they're serving. At Affordic, we prioritize understanding our clients' needs and crafting websites designed to meet their specific goals. We reject the notion of generic, templated solutions, opting instead for our propriatery Nexus4 Build Process for each project. This process is a cornerstone of our collaboration, and we encourage you to become acquainted with it.

Affordic stands out by dedicating itself to the success of underserved small business owners, prioritizing their achievement over our profit margins. This commitment to your success differentiates us from profit-driven agencies. Our lean and flexible team structure and our focus on keeping costs manageable allow us to concentrate on delivering the outcomes your business requires, starting with the Nexus4 Build Process.

The Waiting Phase

Requires Client Action

The waiting phase in the Nexus4 build process is critical, occurring when the development team is waiting for feedback or materials from the client before proceeding. Without the client's input, the team cannot move the project forward, as they may require missing information, assets, or approvals.

It's worth noting that the waiting phase is not an official stage in the Nexus4 process, but rather an inevitable part of any project that involves collaboration between various parties. Therefore, the waiting phase is not unique to Nexus4 but is common in projects such as web design and development.

To indicate the waiting element effectively, the Affordic team designates it as "Requires Client Action" on the WordPress Web Design and Development timeline. This tag alerts the client that specific information or materials are necessary to proceed with the project.

Complete the Signup Process

After our consultation, Affordic will recommend a subscription tier that best fits your business needs. Before proceeding to the next step, you must accept (e-sign) our Technology Agreement and make your first subscription payment using any major credit card.

Select or Transfer Your Domain

Within 14 days after accepting our Technology Agreement, you must begin the domain transfer process to our agency-owned Cloudflare account. In case you don't have a domain, you must select one to use for your new website. Affordic can assist you in selecting a domain name if requested. Affordic will provide complete domain DNS zone management, and we'll update or change records on your behalf upon request. Please note that domain names that cannot be transferred to our platform cannot be used with our service.

The Source Phase

Phase 1

After your payment has been successfully processed, we will send you a series of links via email. The first link will allow you to create a user profile on our website, while the next link will provide you access to the Nexus4 "Source" Intake Form. Please note that the Nexus4 Source phase is extensive and may take several hours, days, or even weeks to complete accurately. Accurate completion of this form is paramount to our development process, and without it, we cannot proceed to any subsequent step.During this phase, we are fully reliant on client action. The length of this phase may vary depending on the client's ability to provide the data we need to move forward. The longer the client takes to return the data, the longer the build process will take.

Complete the Nexus4 Intake

After our consultation, Affordic will recommend a subscription tier that best fits your business needs. Before proceeding to the next step, you must accept (e-sign) our Technology Agreement and make your first subscription payment using any major credit card.

Supplemental Nexus4 Source Data

This is an opportunity to obtain supplemental information in case the initial Nexus4 Source form is inaccurately or incompletely filled out. Please note that this step may add extra time to the build process.

The Synthesize Phase

Phase 2

The Nexus4 Scrutinize Phase is a critical step in our website development process. During this phase, we carefully review and refine the website plan developed in the synthesize phase. We conduct extensive testing on the website's functionality, design, content, and technical aspects to ensure that it aligns with your requirements and goals.

However, what truly sets the scrutinize phase apart is the extensive client feedback. This is where the client has the most opportunity to interact with, review, and provide feedback on the website's functionality, design, and content. We encourage clients to be as thorough as possible in their critique so that we can make any necessary adjustments before the website is launched. By emphasizing your feedback, we ensure that the final build meets your requirements and aligns with your goals.

During this phase, we review every front-end aspect of the website together with the client. This includes testing the website's functionality, ensuring the site's responsive behavior, and its ability to display correctly on mobile devices. We also review the site's overall content for accuracy and search engine optimization, including creating and refining any copy or design elements needed to provide valuable information to users and optimize the site for Google.

Overall, the scrutinize phase plays a crucial role in ensuring that the website meets the client's expectations and goals. By working closely with the client and emphasizing their feedback, we can fine-tune the website until it's ready for launch. At the end of this phase, we will point DNS and launch your site into a production environment! Affordic will configure your website to use the domain's APEX (bare, naked, or root) and not a FQDN (www), but if you require the use of a FQDN, please let us know.

The Synthesize Phase Begins

During the Synthesize phase, we will compile all the fragments of data that you provided us in the Nexus4 Source intake form. All pieces will be brought together to form a cohesive whole and will be staged for the next step.

Staging Website Creation

The Staging website is an isolated development container where our build process will commence. Using the data provided in the Nexus4 intake, we will construct the structure of your new website, including the pages, wireframes (blueprints for the website), and the navigation menu. Once we have built a functional prototype, we will invite you to collaborate with us.

The Scrutinize Phase

Phase 3

The Nexus4 Scrutinize Phase is a critical step in our website development process. During this phase, we carefully review and refine the website plan developed in the synthesize phase. We conduct extensive testing on the website's functionality, design, content, and technical aspects to ensure that it aligns with your requirements and goals.

However, what truly sets the scrutinize phase apart is the extensive client feedback. This is where the client has the most opportunity to interact with, review, and provide feedback on the website's functionality, design, and content. We encourage clients to be as thorough as possible in their critique so that we can make any necessary adjustments before the website is launched. By emphasizing your feedback, we ensure that the final build meets your requirements and aligns with your goals.

During this phase, we review every front-end aspect of the website together with the client. This includes testing the website's functionality, ensuring the site's responsive behavior, and its ability to display correctly on mobile devices. We also review the site's overall content for accuracy and search engine optimization, including creating and refining any copy or design elements needed to provide valuable information to users and optimize the site for Google.

Overall, the scrutinize phase plays a crucial role in ensuring that the website meets the client's expectations and goals. By working closely with the client and emphasizing their feedback, we can fine-tune the website until it's ready for launch. At the end of this phase, we will point DNS and launch your site into a production environment! Affordic will configure your website to use the domain's APEX (bare, naked, or root) and not a FQDN (www), but if you require the use of a FQDN, please let us know.

Collaboration and Revisions

During the Scrutinize phase of the Nexus4 build process, we'll work closely with you to ensure that the site meets your needs. We will provide up to three (3) total revisions of any elements that you're not completely satisfied with. This process may take several days to several weeks, depending on your availability and willingness to provide us with the data or content we need to proceed to the next step.

Google Analytics 4

During this step, we will build and configure a Google Analytics account for your new website, and integrate the GA4 tracking code into your site for effective tracking of your website's traffic and user engagement.

Local SEO Construction

During this step, we will verify if you have a "claimed" Google Business Profile. If you don't have one, we will create it for you and connect it to Google Analytics 4. We will also ensure that your business is listed on Google Maps by the end of this process.

Furthermore, we will perform our basic SEO process which involves optimizing your website for on-page SEO and local search optimization.

Final Build Video Call 1

This is the final stage of our build process. We will present you with the final version of the site build with the expectation that it will go-live and be launched into production upon your final approval. If you do not approve this version, we will revise and repeat this step. You will be required to sign-off on the final build to ensure there are no miscommunications. We encourage you to take full advantage of our revision process prior to your site entering into the "service" phase, where design time will be limited.

Final Build Video Call 2

If any revisions were requested in the previous step, we will complete them during this phase. Once done, we will have another video call to confirm that all revisions have been made to your satisfaction. After this step, we will ask for your final approval to "go live" and request a sign-off to deploy the site into a production environment.

Production Site Launch

Your website will be moved from its isolated staging environment and deployed into a live production environment, which means it will be fully built and ready to be accessed by your customers on the internet.

The Service Phase

Phase 4

During the Nexus4 Service Phase, our team provides continuous support and maintenance to ensure optimal website performance and meet the client's ongoing needs. Our commitment to ongoing support includes a monthly allotment of design time, which is replenished every month. Design time covers any request to modify or update website content, and we will make any necessary changes or updates during this allotted time.

Our goal during this phase is to keep the website secure, maintained, up-to-date and relevant, so that it continues to safely function optimally and meet the client's ongoing needs. Furthermore, we manage the entire hosting environment for your website, including security updates, backups, configuration changes, and any technical support that you require.

We provide regular maintenance and performance reports via email each month, which are a critical component of the service phase. These reports include key metrics such as website traffic, visitor behavior, and conversion rates. They also detail any maintenance we have performed on the site during the month and any specific work we have done for the client during their design time allotment.

Our service phase is a critical part of our website development process. By providing ongoing support, maintenance, and design time, we help clients maximize the value of their website and achieve their business goals.

Continuous Software Updates

During the service phase, we will continuously monitor your WordPress application and any installed plugins for necessary updates. Your website will always be kept up to date with the latest software to prevent any security vulnerabilities. Prior to any updates, we will take snapshots of your website's codebase to ensure that any issues can be easily resolved.

WordPress Site Maintenance

We will regularly monitor, update, and maintain the codebase used to run your website using our own Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) process. This will be done behind the scenes during low traffic periods on your website. Before any codebase changes are made, snapshots of your website will always be taken to ensure that everything runs smoothly.

White-Glove Support

The support staff will be available to assist you with any questions you may have about your website or to help you complete any tasks that you need assistance with.

Continuous Design Updates

Clients are allotted a predetermined amount of "design-time" each month, which is used by Affordic to process any content updates requested by the client. This design time is typically used by clients who prefer not to make changes on their own.

Continuous Domain Management

We will provide complete maintenance for your DNS zone and domain. Simply provide us with the necessary records that need to be added or removed and we will take care of it. Our team will also enforce DNSSEC on your domain and establish SPF and DMARC records for your email provider to ensure the security of your domain. You can count on us to offer direct support for all your domain name-related needs.

Bug Fixes

Bugs are an inevitable part of software development, and some may not be immediately apparent. If any bugs do appear on your website, rest assured that we are here to fully resolve them on your behalf. Simply let us know what problem you are experiencing, and we will take care of it from there.

Web Consulting

We understand that businesses and their needs are constantly evolving, so our partnership doesn't end with the launch of your website. Our team is always available to discuss any further enhancements or modifications that may be necessary to ensure your website continues to meet your evolving needs. We are committed to providing ongoing support and consultation to help your business thrive online.