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Managed LearnDash LMS

We'll Help You Build Your Entire Business Around Selling Your Knowledge

At Affordic, we boast a wealth of experience in crafting robust websites that seamlessly sell online courses. With our expertise, we harness the power of LearnDash - a leading LMS extension for WordPress - to deliver a flawless user experience that integrates courses directly into your website. Say goodbye to external third-party platforms and their exorbitant fees, and hello to a more streamlined and cost-effective way to share your knowledge.

But that's not all. With the added muscle of WooCommerce, LearnDash becomes a force to be reckoned with in generating extra revenue through the sale of interactive online courses. The possibilities are endless! So, if you're interested in exploring the full potential of LearnDash and how it can benefit your business, don't hesitate to reach out to us at Affordic. Let's talk!

What's LearnDash

LMS Exploration

LearnDash is a versatile learning management system (LMS) for WordPress that allows you to create engaging and interactive online courses. Its user-friendly interface and intuitive course builder make it easy to create courses, quizzes, and assignments, while its advanced quizzing and reporting features enable you to track your students' progress and engagement. LearnDash is highly customizable, making it an excellent choice for businesses, universities, and online academies that want to tailor their learning environment to their specific needs and requirements.

LearnDash is mobile-friendly and responsive, ensuring that your students can access your courses from any device. With its gamification features, user management tools, and e-commerce integration, LearnDash offers a versatile and adaptable platform that can help you to create effective e-learning experiences. Overall, if you're looking for a powerful, flexible, and user-friendly LMS with native integration with WordPress, LearnDash is the superior choice.

Why LearnDash

As an entrepreneur or small business owner, you're likely aware of the importance of leveraging technology to sell your knowledge. You may have already considered third-party platforms to help you achieve this goal. However, with so many options available, finding the right one can be a daunting task. A quick search on Google reveals countless hosted LMS platforms, each with their own set of features and pricing plans. It's easy to feel overwhelmed and unsure about which platform is the best fit for your business. The truth is, there's no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to hosted LMS platforms. Each business has unique needs, and what works for one may not work for another. Some businesses may require advanced analytics and reporting capabilities, while others may prioritize flexibility and customization. 
Fortunately, there is an alternative to third-party platforms that can provide more flexibility and control over your LMS: integrating the entire LMS function into your WordPress website. By fully integrating the LMS function into your website, you can create a seamless experience for your users. You can also maintain complete control over your content and branding, without having to rely on external platforms. But what if you don't have any coding experience? What if you want to create a professional-looking LMS quickly and easily? This is where the Affordic technology stack shines - enter Breakdance and LearnDash LMS. 
With Breakdance's visual drag-and-drop builder, you can easily create a professional-looking LMS without ever touching a line of code. You can customize the look and feel of your LMS to match your branding, and you can easily add and manage courses, users, and quizzes. LearnDash LMS provides a robust set of features, including advanced quiz and assignment management, drip content, and course progression. With these tools at your disposal, you can create a top-notch learning experience for your users and stand out from the competition.

Learner Experience

Seamless and intuitive build your custom student interface.

E-Commerce Flexibility

Share your skills with the world and generate revenue doing it.

Integrations Galore

LearnDash + WooCommerce = endless possibilities.

Visually Build Powerful Courses

With Affordic's technology, craft a standout course portfolio in no time.

Ideal Clients For LMS Websites


Entrepreneurs are a diverse and energetic community of individuals who excel at identifying and addressing unmet needs in innovative ways, often resulting in the creation of new businesses. For aspiring entrepreneurs who aim to leverage technology to disseminate and monetize their expertise while avoiding the risk of being censored or de-platformed, LearnDash offers a compelling solution. Self-hosted LearnDash provides an ideal vehicle for entrepreneurs to share their knowledge and sell their services without fear of censorship.

Education Organizations

Self-hosting LearnDash on their own website is an excellent fit for education organizations. These organizations typically have extensive content libraries that they need to manage effectively. When using third-party LMS platforms, costs can quickly spiral out of control once the number of hosted courses exceeds a certain threshold. By adopting LearnDash, organizations can significantly reduce their expenses while also eliminating the need for third-party integrations. By bringing everything in-house, education organizations can benefit from a more streamlined and cohesive approach to course management, ensuring that they can provide the best possible learning experience to their students.

Niche Industry Training

In every industry, there are niche businesses that cater to specific needs and requirements. For instance, in the flight training industry, FAA Certified Flight Instructors are increasingly leveraging LearnDash to share their expertise with their students. This approach not only enables them to create custom learning experiences but also facilitates greater engagement and knowledge retention. Flight training is just one example of how LearnDash can be utilized across a wide range of industries. The possibilities are endless, and businesses across various sectors can harness the power of LearnDash to create tailored learning programs that meet their unique needs and objectives.

Anyone Who Wants to Sell Knowledge

The versatility of LearnDash makes it suitable for almost anyone or any organization that seeks to monetize knowledge or skills transfer. From individual subject matter experts to large corporations, LearnDash offers a powerful platform for creating, marketing, and selling online courses. Whether it is a small business owner looking to share their expertise with customers or a nonprofit organization looking to provide training to volunteers, LearnDash offers a flexible and customizable approach to course creation and delivery. With LearnDash, users can leverage a variety of tools and features to create engaging and interactive learning experiences, reach a wider audience, and generate revenue from their knowledge and expertise.

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